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Facebook side publisering som skaper engasjement

Facebook Tips
1. Hvordan få flere Facebook delinger
2. Facebook side publisering som skaper engasjement
3. Hvordan øke organisk rekkevidde på Facebook
4. Slik verifiserer du din Facebook side og får blått verifiseringsmerke

Dette er tips Facebook selv har delt med oss. Følg deres tips og se en økning i engasjement. Gjerne kom tilbake til oss og del dine erfaringer i kommentarfeltet.

To better understand what makes a successful Page post, we recently conducted an internal study to discover which topics generate the most engagement. The study shows that speaking about subjects related to your brand is the best way to generate engagement. While the conclusion may not seem surprising, since your fans liked your Page because they like your brand, understanding how post topics relate to engagement can help you improve your content strategy and identify the best content to promote through Ads and Sponsored Stories.

We examined four weeks of Page posts, across 23 brands and six industries and divided the posts into three types of content:
Messages about the product or service
  • Travel brand example: Our new resort just opened! Book your trip today.
Messages related to the brand
  • Travel brand example: I decided to go on my first cruise because______.
Messages unrelated to the brand
  • Travel brand example: Hang in there everybody. Monday will be over before we know it!
Posts on topics related to the brand, but not specifically about the product or service, were the sole universally significant predictor of all types of engagement.
Here is a list of the drivers of each type of engagement:
If your goal is to generate shares:
  • Post on topics related to the brand
  • Use photos, photos albums and videos
If your goal is to generate likes:
  • Post on topics related to the brand
  • Post a clear call to action, for example “Like this if…”
If your goal is to generate comments: 
  • Post on topics related to the brand
  • Ask a question in the post
You can maximize your success on Facebook by optimizing your Page posting strategy for the type of engagement you are trying to drive. You can use Page Insights to monitor engagement for your individual posts. This research also underscores the power of advertising on Facebook. The branded posts that businesses naturally want to share more widely, are also the posts getting the most engagement, so be sure to use Ads and Sponsored Stories to increase their distribution and generate even more engagement.
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